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Emotions and Goal Pursuit

Goal pursuit is an emotion-laden eandeavor. We cheer at successes and frown at setbacks in our pursuits.

Goal Pursuit and Society

A special context within which one’s goal pursuit takes place is the broader society. Our pursuit of important goals shape and are shaped by aspects related to the community, politics, and the socio-economic environment.

Interpersonal Influence in Goal Pursuit

Social others’ goal pursuit constitutes an important context within which a person pursues his/her goals.

Social Cognition, Motivational Processes, and Creativity

Temporal Context of Goal Pursuit

Goal pursuit also occurs in a temporal context, i.e., sandwiched by preceding goal pursuit effort and subsequent (anticipated) goal pursuit.

Temptations, Goal Conflicts and Self-Control Strategies

Goal pursuit occurs in the context of competing goals. For example, the long-term pursuit of academic success often occurs in the presence of short-term hedonic goals, or temptations. Hence, pursuing a focal goal involves negotiation with other conflicting goals.

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