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Female Developers
Applications Open for the Behavioral Science Apprenticeship (BSA) Summer Program 2024

The BSA program is dedicated to undergraduates keen to strengthen their research competencies to prepare for a career in academic research or behavioral research in the industry. The program will be held from 20 May (Mon) to 2 Aug (Fri) and each RA will be assigned to a graduate student for mentorship.

To learn more and sign up, click here.

Congrats to Harif on getting into UCSB's PhD program!

Harif is teaming up with faculty from the Department of Communication to delve into the study of how media environments and social psychological processes influence national resilience, including risk communication, and social cohesion through intergroup communication.


See what Harif wants to say after accepting the offer here.

Image by Levi Guzman
Congratulations to Ariel on Passing her Qualification Exam with Flying Colors

One of our PhD students, Ariel, recently passed her qualifying examinations (QEs) and is now en route to completing her dissertation over the next two years as an official PhD candidate. Congrats on passing her QEs!

See what Ariel says after passing her QE here.



Goals are desirable end states people want to maintain (e.g., staying healthy) or achieve (e.g., academic excellence).

More often than not, people pursue important goals in various intrapersonal (e.g., temptations, prior goal pursuit efforts) and interpersonal (e.g., others’ goal pursuit, social interaction) contexts. Consistent with the perspective of situated social cognition (Smith & Semin, 2004), our lab examines how the various aspects of the goal pursuit process are dynamically shaped by the relevant context.

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